Rumah Kabin

Centralised Labour Quarters: Malaysia’s Solution to Migrant Worker Housing Woes

Centralised Labour Quarters: Malaysia’s Solution to Migrant Worker Housing Woes

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Table of Contents

1. Introduction to Centralised Labour Quarters (CLQs)

Centralised Labour Quarters (CLQs) are a significant development in Malaysia’s approach to improving the living conditions of migrant and construction workers. These purpose-built accommodations are designed to provide a safer, more comfortable, and more regulated living environment compared to traditional on-site worker housing. This article delves into the various aspects of CLQs, highlighting their benefits, challenges, and the role of companies like Golden Sharp Innovation in revolutionizing worker accommodation.

Definition and Purpose

CLQs are centralized housing facilities specifically designed to accommodate large numbers of workers, particularly those in the construction and industrial sectors. The primary purpose of CLQs is to offer a more organized and humane living environment, addressing issues such as overcrowding, poor sanitation, and lack of basic amenities that are often prevalent in traditional worker housing.

Key Features of CLQs

  • Safety and Security: CLQs are equipped with security measures such as gated entrances, surveillance cameras, and security personnel to ensure the safety of the residents.
  • Sanitation Facilities: These quarters provide adequate sanitation facilities, including clean toilets, showers, and waste disposal systems.
  • Amenities: CLQs often include amenities such as recreational areas, dining facilities, and medical services to improve the quality of life for workers.
  • Regulation and Compliance: CLQs are subject to government regulations and standards, ensuring that they meet minimum requirements for space, hygiene, and safety.

Importance of CLQs

The introduction of CLQs is a response to the growing concerns about the living conditions of migrant workers in Malaysia. By providing a more structured and regulated environment, CLQs aim to enhance the well-being and productivity of workers, which in turn benefits employers and the broader economy.

Table: Key Features of CLQs

SafetyGated entrances, surveillance cameras, security personnel
SanitationClean toilets, showers, waste disposal systems
AmenitiesRecreational areas, dining facilities, medical services
RegulationCompliance with government standards for space, hygiene, and safety

The Role of Golden Sharp Innovation

Golden Sharp Innovation is at the forefront of providing high-quality CLQs in Malaysia. With a focus on innovation and customer satisfaction, the company offers a range of customizable cabin solutions designed to meet the diverse needs of its clients. By prioritizing quality, durability, and efficiency, Golden Sharp Innovation is helping to set new standards in worker accommodation.

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2. Benefits of CLQs for Workers

Centralised Labour Quarters (CLQs) offer numerous benefits for workers, particularly those in the construction and industrial sectors. These benefits not only improve the quality of life for workers but also contribute to their overall well-being and productivity.

Improved Living Conditions

One of the primary benefits of CLQs is the significant improvement in living conditions compared to traditional on-site worker housing. Key aspects include:

  • Adequate Space: CLQs provide sufficient living space for each worker, reducing overcrowding and ensuring a more comfortable living environment.
  • Cleanliness and Hygiene: Regular cleaning and maintenance of facilities ensure a hygienic living environment, reducing the risk of diseases and infections.
  • Access to Basic Amenities: Workers have access to essential amenities such as clean water, electricity, and proper sanitation facilities.

Enhanced Safety and Security

Safety is a major concern for workers living in traditional on-site housing. CLQs address this issue by providing:

  • Secure Premises: Gated entrances, surveillance cameras, and security personnel help ensure the safety of residents.
  • Emergency Services: CLQs are equipped with emergency services such as fire alarms, first aid kits, and access to medical care.

Better Health and Well-being

The improved living conditions in CLQs have a direct impact on the health and well-being of workers. Benefits include:

  • Reduced Stress: A clean, safe, and comfortable living environment helps reduce stress and anxiety among workers.
  • Access to Healthcare: Many CLQs provide on-site medical services or easy access to nearby healthcare facilities, ensuring that workers receive timely medical attention when needed.
  • Recreational Facilities: Access to recreational areas and activities helps workers relax and unwind, promoting mental and physical well-being.

Increased Productivity

When workers are well-rested and healthy, their productivity increases. CLQs contribute to this by:

  • Providing a Stable Living Environment: A stable and comfortable living environment allows workers to focus better on their jobs.
  • Reducing Absenteeism: Improved health and well-being result in fewer sick days and higher attendance rates.
  • Boosting Morale: Workers who feel valued and well-cared-for are more motivated and committed to their work.

Table: Benefits of CLQs for Workers

Improved Living ConditionsAdequate space, cleanliness, access to basic amenities
Enhanced Safety and SecuritySecure premises, emergency services
Better Health and Well-beingReduced stress, access to healthcare, recreational facilities
Increased ProductivityStable living environment, reduced absenteeism, boosted morale
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The Role of Golden Sharp Innovation

Golden Sharp Innovation is dedicated to enhancing the living conditions of workers through its high-quality CLQs. By offering customizable solutions that prioritize safety, hygiene, and comfort, the company ensures that workers have a better quality of life, which in turn leads to increased productivity and job satisfaction.

Great! Let’s proceed with the next sections of the article. Here is the outline again for reference:

  1. Introduction to Centralised Labour Quarters (CLQs)
  2. Benefits of CLQs for Workers
  3. Benefits of CLQs for Employers
  4. Drawbacks and Challenges of CLQs
  5. Government Guidelines and Requirements for CLQs
  6. Comparison of CLQ Living Conditions to Typical Construction Site Housing
  7. The Need for More CLQs Near Industrial Areas
  8. Golden Sharp Innovation: Leading the Way in CLQ Solutions

3. Benefits of CLQs for Employers

Centralised Labour Quarters (CLQs) not only benefit workers but also offer significant advantages for employers. By providing a structured and regulated living environment, employers can enhance productivity, reduce costs, and improve overall worker satisfaction.

Cost-Effective Housing Solution

One of the primary benefits for employers is the cost-effectiveness of CLQs. Key points include:

  • Economies of Scale: By housing a large number of workers in a centralized location, employers can take advantage of economies of scale, reducing per capita housing costs.
  • Reduced Transportation Costs: With workers living close to the worksite, transportation costs are minimized, leading to significant savings.
  • Lower Maintenance Costs: CLQs are designed for durability and ease of maintenance, reducing long-term upkeep expenses.

Increased Productivity

A well-rested and healthy workforce is more productive. CLQs contribute to this by:

  • Providing a Stable Living Environment: Workers who live in a stable and comfortable environment are more likely to be punctual and focused on their tasks.
  • Reducing Absenteeism: Improved living conditions lead to better health, resulting in fewer sick days and higher attendance rates.
  • Boosting Morale: Workers who feel valued and well-cared-for are more motivated and committed to their work.

Enhanced Worker Retention

High turnover rates can be costly and disruptive. CLQs help improve worker retention by:

  • Improving Living Conditions: Better living conditions make workers more likely to stay with the company.
  • Fostering a Sense of Community: CLQs often include communal areas and recreational facilities, helping to build a sense of community among workers.
  • Providing Stability: A stable living environment reduces the stress and uncertainty that can lead to high turnover rates.

Compliance with Regulations

Employers are required to comply with government regulations regarding worker housing. CLQs help ensure compliance by:

  • Meeting Minimum Standards: CLQs are designed to meet or exceed government standards for space, hygiene, and safety.
  • Regular Inspections: CLQs are subject to regular inspections, ensuring ongoing compliance with regulations.
  • Avoiding Penalties: By providing compliant housing, employers can avoid fines and other penalties associated with substandard worker accommodations.

Table: Benefits of CLQs for Employers

Cost-Effective Housing SolutionEconomies of scale, reduced transportation costs, lower maintenance costs
Increased ProductivityStable living environment, reduced absenteeism, boosted morale
Enhanced Worker RetentionImproved living conditions, sense of community, stability
Compliance with RegulationsMeeting standards, regular inspections, avoiding penalties

The Role of Golden Sharp Innovation

Golden Sharp Innovation is committed to helping employers realize the benefits of CLQs. By offering customizable and high-quality cabin solutions, the company ensures that employers can provide safe, comfortable, and compliant housing for their workers. This not only enhances worker satisfaction and productivity but also helps employers save on costs and avoid regulatory issues.

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4. Drawbacks and Challenges of CLQs

While Centralised Labour Quarters (CLQs) offer numerous benefits, they also come with certain drawbacks and challenges that need to be addressed to ensure their effectiveness and sustainability.

Inadequate Facilities

One of the main challenges of CLQs is the potential for inadequate facilities. Issues include:

  • Overcrowding: If not properly managed, CLQs can become overcrowded, leading to poor living conditions.
  • Insufficient Sanitation: Inadequate sanitation facilities can result in health issues and decreased worker morale.
  • Lack of Amenities: The absence of essential amenities such as recreational areas, dining facilities, and medical services can negatively impact the well-being of workers.

High Rent Costs

The cost of renting space in CLQs can be a significant burden for both workers and employers. Key points include:

  • Affordability: High rent costs can make it difficult for workers to afford decent housing, leading to financial stress.
  • Employer Expenses: Employers may also face high costs when providing CLQ housing, which can impact their overall budget and profitability.

Regulatory Compliance

Ensuring compliance with government regulations can be challenging. Issues include:

  • Complex Regulations: Navigating the complex regulations and standards for CLQs can be time-consuming and costly.
  • Regular Inspections: CLQs are subject to regular inspections, which can be disruptive and require additional resources to ensure compliance.
  • Penalties for Non-Compliance: Failure to comply with regulations can result in fines and other penalties, impacting the reputation and financial stability of the employer.

Social and Cultural Challenges

CLQs can also present social and cultural challenges for workers. Key points include:

  • Cultural Differences: Workers from different cultural backgrounds may face challenges in adapting to a communal living environment.
  • Social Isolation: The centralized nature of CLQs can lead to social isolation, particularly for workers who are far from their families and communities.
  • Conflict Resolution: Managing conflicts and disputes among workers can be challenging in a communal living environment.

Table: Drawbacks and Challenges of CLQs

Inadequate FacilitiesOvercrowding, insufficient sanitation, lack of amenities
High Rent CostsAffordability issues for workers, high expenses for employers
Regulatory ComplianceComplex regulations, regular inspections, penalties for non-compliance
Social and Cultural ChallengesCultural differences, social isolation, conflict resolution

Addressing the Challenges

To address these challenges, it is essential to implement effective management and oversight of CLQs. This includes:

  • Regular Maintenance: Ensuring that facilities are regularly maintained and upgraded to meet the needs of workers.
  • Affordable Housing Solutions: Working with government and private sector partners to provide affordable housing options for workers.
  • Cultural Sensitivity Training: Providing training for workers and management to promote cultural sensitivity and effective conflict resolution.
  • Compliance Support: Offering support and resources to help employers navigate regulatory requirements and ensure compliance.
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The Role of Golden Sharp Innovation

Golden Sharp Innovation is dedicated to addressing the challenges of CLQs by providing high-quality, customizable cabin solutions that meet the diverse needs of workers and employers. By prioritizing quality, affordability, and compliance, the company helps ensure that CLQs provide a safe, comfortable, and supportive living environment for all residents.

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5. Government Guidelines and Requirements for CLQs

Centralised Labour Quarters (CLQs) in Malaysia are subject to stringent government guidelines and requirements to ensure the safety, health, and well-being of workers. These regulations are designed to provide a standardized framework for the construction and management of CLQs, ensuring that they meet minimum standards for space, sanitation, and amenities.

Minimum Standards for Space

The Malaysian government has established minimum space requirements for CLQs to prevent overcrowding and ensure a comfortable living environment for workers. Key points include:

  • Living Space: Each worker must have a minimum living space of 3.6 square meters.
  • Sleeping Arrangements: Bunk beds are commonly used to maximize space, but each bed must have sufficient clearance to ensure comfort and safety.
  • Common Areas: CLQs must include common areas such as dining halls, recreational spaces, and kitchens to provide a communal living experience.

Sanitation Facilities

Adequate sanitation facilities are crucial for maintaining hygiene and preventing the spread of diseases. Government guidelines specify:

  • Toilets and Showers: There must be a minimum of one toilet and one shower for every 15 workers.
  • Clean Water Supply: CLQs must provide a reliable supply of clean water for drinking, cooking, and bathing.
  • Waste Disposal: Proper waste disposal systems must be in place to manage both solid and liquid waste effectively.

Amenities and Services

To enhance the quality of life for workers, CLQs are required to provide various amenities and services, including:

  • Medical Services: Access to on-site or nearby medical facilities is essential for addressing health issues promptly.
  • Recreational Facilities: CLQs should include recreational areas such as sports fields, gyms, and common rooms to promote physical and mental well-being.
  • Dining Facilities: Adequate dining facilities must be provided to ensure that workers have access to nutritious meals.

Safety and Security

Ensuring the safety and security of workers is a top priority. Government guidelines mandate:

  • Fire Safety: CLQs must be equipped with fire alarms, extinguishers, and clear evacuation routes.
  • Security Measures: Gated entrances, surveillance cameras, and security personnel are required to protect workers from external threats.
  • Emergency Preparedness: CLQs must have emergency plans in place, including first aid kits and access to emergency services.

Table: Government Guidelines and Requirements for CLQs

Minimum Standards for Space3.6 sqm per worker, bunk beds, common areas
Sanitation Facilities1 toilet and shower per 15 workers, clean water supply, waste disposal
Amenities and ServicesMedical services, recreational facilities, dining facilities
Safety and SecurityFire safety measures, security measures, emergency preparedness

Compliance and Inspections

To ensure compliance with these guidelines, CLQs are subject to regular inspections by government authorities. These inspections assess:

  • Facility Conditions: Inspectors evaluate the overall condition of the facilities, including cleanliness, maintenance, and safety measures.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Inspections ensure that CLQs meet all regulatory requirements and standards.
  • Worker Feedback: Inspectors may also gather feedback from workers to identify any issues or areas for improvement.

The Role of Golden Sharp Innovation

Golden Sharp Innovation is committed to meeting and exceeding government guidelines for CLQs. By providing high-quality, customizable cabin solutions, the company ensures that its accommodations are safe, comfortable, and compliant with all regulations. This dedication to quality and compliance helps employers provide a better living environment for their workers, enhancing their well-being and productivity.

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6. Comparison of CLQ Living Conditions to Typical Construction Site Housing

The living conditions in Centralised Labour Quarters (CLQs) are significantly better than those typically found in on-site construction worker housing. This section compares the two types of accommodations, highlighting the advantages of CLQs in terms of safety, hygiene, amenities, and overall quality of life.

Safety and Security


  • Gated Entrances: CLQs are equipped with gated entrances and security personnel to ensure the safety of residents.
  • Surveillance Cameras: Surveillance cameras are installed to monitor the premises and prevent unauthorized access.
  • Emergency Preparedness: CLQs have fire alarms, extinguishers, and clear evacuation routes to handle emergencies.

Typical Construction Site Housing:

  • Lack of Security: On-site housing often lacks proper security measures, making workers vulnerable to theft and other threats.
  • Inadequate Emergency Measures: Many construction site accommodations do not have adequate fire safety measures or emergency plans in place.

Hygiene and Sanitation


  • Clean Toilets and Showers: CLQs provide a sufficient number of clean toilets and showers, ensuring proper hygiene.
  • Reliable Water Supply: A reliable supply of clean water is available for drinking, cooking, and bathing.
  • Waste Management: Proper waste disposal systems are in place to manage both solid and liquid waste effectively.

Typical Construction Site Housing:

  • Poor Sanitation: On-site housing often has inadequate sanitation facilities, leading to poor hygiene and health issues.
  • Unreliable Water Supply: Access to clean water is often limited, affecting the overall well-being of workers.
  • Improper Waste Disposal: Many construction sites lack proper waste disposal systems, leading to unsanitary conditions.

Amenities and Services


  • Medical Services: Access to on-site or nearby medical facilities ensures that workers receive timely medical attention.
  • Recreational Facilities: CLQs include recreational areas such as sports fields, gyms, and common rooms to promote physical and mental well-being.
  • Dining Facilities: Adequate dining facilities provide workers with access to nutritious meals.

Typical Construction Site Housing:

  • Lack of Medical Services: On-site housing often lacks access to medical facilities, making it difficult for workers to receive medical care.
  • Limited Recreational Facilities: Recreational facilities are usually absent, leading to a lack of opportunities for relaxation and socialization.
  • Inadequate Dining Facilities: Workers often have to prepare their own meals in unsanitary conditions, affecting their nutrition and health.

Overall Quality of Life


  • Comfortable Living Environment: CLQs provide a stable and comfortable living environment, reducing stress and improving overall well-being.
  • Sense of Community: Communal areas and recreational facilities help foster a sense of community among workers.
  • Regulated and Inspected: CLQs are subject to regular inspections to ensure compliance with government standards and regulations.
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Typical Construction Site Housing:

  • Unstable Living Conditions: On-site housing is often temporary and poorly constructed, leading to an unstable living environment.
  • Isolation: Workers living on-site may feel isolated and disconnected from their peers and communities.
  • Lack of Regulation: On-site housing is often unregulated, leading to substandard living conditions and potential exploitation.

Table: Comparison of CLQ Living Conditions to Typical Construction Site Housing

AspectCLQsTypical Construction Site Housing
Safety and SecurityGated entrances, surveillance cameras, emergency preparednessLack of security, inadequate emergency measures
Hygiene and SanitationClean toilets and showers, reliable water supply, proper waste managementPoor sanitation, unreliable water supply, improper waste disposal
Amenities and ServicesMedical services, recreational facilities, dining facilitiesLack of medical services, limited recreational facilities, inadequate dining facilities
Overall Quality of LifeComfortable living environment, sense of community, regulated and inspectedUnstable living conditions, isolation, lack of regulation

The Role of Golden Sharp Innovation

Golden Sharp Innovation is dedicated to providing high-quality CLQs that offer superior living conditions compared to typical construction site housing. By prioritizing safety, hygiene, and amenities, the company ensures that workers have a better quality of life, which in turn enhances their productivity and job satisfaction.

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7. The Need for More CLQs Near Industrial Areas

The demand for Centralised Labour Quarters (CLQs) is growing, particularly near industrial areas where large numbers of workers are employed. This section explores the reasons behind the need for more CLQs and the benefits they offer to both workers and employers.

Growing Industrial Workforce

Malaysia’s industrial sector is expanding, leading to an increase in the number of workers employed in factories, construction sites, and other industrial areas. Key points include:

  • Increased Demand for Housing: The growing workforce requires adequate housing solutions to ensure their well-being and productivity.
  • Proximity to Worksites: CLQs located near industrial areas reduce the need for long commutes, saving time and transportation costs.

Improved Worker Treatment

Providing more CLQs near industrial areas can significantly improve the treatment of workers. Benefits include:

  • Better Living Conditions: CLQs offer a more comfortable and regulated living environment compared to makeshift on-site housing.
  • Enhanced Safety and Security: Workers living in CLQs benefit from improved safety and security measures, reducing the risk of accidents and exploitation.
  • Access to Amenities: CLQs provide essential amenities such as medical services, recreational facilities, and dining options, enhancing the overall quality of life for workers.

Economic Benefits for Employers

Employers also stand to gain from the increased availability of CLQs near industrial areas. Key points include:

  • Cost Savings: By providing centralized housing, employers can reduce transportation and maintenance costs.
  • Increased Productivity: Workers who live in comfortable and stable environments are more productive and less likely to take sick days.
  • Improved Worker Retention: Better living conditions lead to higher worker satisfaction and retention rates, reducing turnover and recruitment costs.

Government Support and Incentives

The Malaysian government recognizes the importance of CLQs and offers support and incentives to encourage their development. Key points include:

  • Regulatory Framework: The government has established guidelines and standards for CLQs to ensure they meet minimum requirements for safety, hygiene, and amenities.
  • Financial Incentives: Employers who invest in CLQs may be eligible for financial incentives such as tax breaks and subsidies.
  • Partnership Opportunities: The government encourages public-private partnerships to develop and manage CLQs, leveraging the expertise and resources of both sectors.

Table: Benefits of More CLQs Near Industrial Areas

Growing Industrial WorkforceIncreased demand for housing, proximity to worksites
Improved Worker TreatmentBetter living conditions, enhanced safety and security, access to amenities
Economic Benefits for EmployersCost savings, increased productivity, improved worker retention
Government Support and IncentivesRegulatory framework, financial incentives, partnership opportunities

The Role of Golden Sharp Innovation

Golden Sharp Innovation is committed to meeting the growing demand for CLQs near industrial areas. By providing high-quality, customizable cabin solutions, the company ensures that workers have access to safe, comfortable, and well-equipped housing. This not only benefits workers but also helps employers improve productivity and reduce costs.

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8. Golden Sharp Innovation: Leading the Way in CLQ Solutions

Golden Sharp Innovation is a leading provider of Centralised Labour Quarters (CLQs) in Malaysia, offering innovative and high-quality cabin solutions designed to meet the diverse needs of workers and employers. This section highlights the company’s offerings, commitment to quality, and the benefits of partnering with Golden Sharp Innovation.

About Golden Sharp Innovation

Golden Sharp Innovation was founded with the mission of delivering efficient and innovative solutions for labour accommodation. The company’s dedication to quality and customer satisfaction has established it as a trusted name in the industry.

Comprehensive Range of Cabin Types

Golden Sharp Innovation offers a wide variety of cabin types, each customizable to suit specific needs and preferences. Key offerings include:

  • Light Duty Premium: Ideal for site offices, worker’s quarters, and classrooms, featuring a completely steel welded frame and metal deck roof.
  • Heavy Duty Economy: Suitable for similar uses as the Light Duty Premium but with a medium-duty anti-rust frame and corrugated GI plate exterior.
  • Heavy Duty Budget: Designed for more demanding applications, including temperature control rooms and homestays, with a heavy-duty steel frame and hybrid metal deck roof.

Table: Golden Sharp Innovation Cabin Types

FeatureLight Duty PremiumHeavy Duty EconomyHeavy Duty Budget
UsageSite Office, Worker’s Quarters, ClassroomSite Office, Worker’s Quarters, ClassroomAll Light Duty Cabin’s Usage, Temperature Control Room, Homestay, Fertiliser Storage
FrameCompletely Steel Welded Frame (Low-Cost Anti Rust)Completely Steel Welded Frame (Medium Duty Anti Rust)Completely Welded Heavy Duty Steel Frame (Heavy Duty Anti-Rust with High Quality Gloss Paint Finish)
RoofMetal DeckMetal DeckHybrid Metal Deck Roof with EPS Insulation & White PVC Board Ceiling
Floor2nd Grade Plywood C/W Vinyl Finishing2nd Grade Plywood C/W Vinyl Finishing1st Grade Plywood C/W Medium Duty Vinyl Finish
DoorMetal DoorMetal DoorGrill Metal Door C/W Lever Lock and Key
WindowsNaco WindowNaco WindowNaco Windows C/W Safety Grill
ExteriorMetal Deck0.7mm Corrugated GI PlateDouble Sided PPGI Metal Clad with 20mm Polyurethane Insulation
Interior3mm Thick PVC Board (No Insulation)3mm Thick PVC Board (No Insulation)3mm Thick PVC Board
Lifespan3-5 Years3-6 Years8-16 Years

Commitment to Quality and Durability

Golden Sharp Innovation prioritizes quality and durability in all its products. Key features include:

  • High-Quality Materials: Cabins are constructed with high-quality materials to withstand the rigors of daily use and the Malaysian climate.
  • Customization: The company provides tailored solutions to meet the specific requirements of each client, ensuring that accommodations are perfectly suited to their needs.
  • Efficiency: Centralised labour quarters are designed to optimize space and resources, providing a practical and cost-effective solution.

Customer Satisfaction

Golden Sharp Innovation is committed to delivering exceptional service and support, from the initial consultation to the final installation and beyond. Key points include:

  • Consultation: The company works closely with clients to understand their needs and provide customized solutions.
  • Installation: Professional installation services ensure that cabins are set up quickly and efficiently.
  • Ongoing Support: Golden Sharp Innovation offers ongoing support and maintenance services to ensure that accommodations remain in top condition.

Contact Golden Sharp Innovation

Partner with Golden Sharp Innovation for all your centralized labour quarter needs. Discover how our innovative solutions can benefit your project and enhance the living conditions of your workforce. Contact us today to learn more about our products and services, and let us help you create a better, more efficient working environment.

Golden Sharp Innovation

Together, let’s build a brighter future with innovative accommodation solutions.

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